Research Article

Novel Crow Swarm Optimization Algorithm and Selection Approach for Optimal Deep Learning COVID-19 Diagnostic Model

Algorithm 1

Pseudocode for the selection approach for optimal deep learning COVID-19 diagnostic model based on novel CSO algorithm.
Input: Read CT Lung images with length of H x W
  Data preprocessing
  Feature selection of CNN
While (I ≤ max.epoch)
  Deep learning models
  Evaluation of deep learning methods
 While (j < max. iteration)
    CSO mathematical model and algorithm
      Group Division
      Update speed by E.q (7).
      Update position by E.q (8)
      Update angle bt E.q (9)
 End while
  Multiple weight with corresponding criteria
  Selection best model based on highest final results
Return: Ranking of COVID-19 diagnosis models
Output: Best COVID-19 diagnosis models