Research Article

[Retracted] Advanced Deep Learning Human Herpes Virus 6 (HHV-6) Molecular Detection in Understanding Human Infertility

Table 2

Infertile women were split into two groups based on whether or not they had HHV-6 infection: infertile and control women’s demographic and clinical characteristics (average).

ParametersHHV-6 positiveHHV-6 negative value Control (14)

Age (yrs)33.432.80.8433.8
Duration of infertility (yrs)
Menstrual cycle length (days)
FSH (mUI/mL) (day 3)
LH (mUI/mL) (day 3)
Estradiol (pg/mL) (day 3)79.977.50.0465.7
TSH (uUI/mL)
FT4 (pg/mL)
Progesterone (pg/mL) (day 21)
Day (menstrual cycle) of sample collection13.212.80.7213.0

Student t-test.