Research Article

Fractional-Order Boosted Jellyfish Search Optimizer with Gaussian Mutation for Income Forecast of Rural Resident

Algorithm 1

The proposed FOGJS.
Input: The parameters of JS such as the distribution coefficient β, and the motion coefficient γ. People size N, dimension Dim, and maximum iterations Miter.
Output: Optimal fitness value.
  Construct the initial value for the population through logistic chaotic map (Zi).
While ( t<Miter) do
   Calculate the fitness function for an individual population.
   Choose the best location .
   Compute the time control c(t) using equation (6)
   For i = 1 to N do
    If c(t) ≥ 0.5 then
      Jellyfish follows ocean current
      The jellyfish position is updated by equation (11) with fractional-order modified.
     Jellyfish move inside a swarm
     If rand(0, 1) ≥ (1 − c (t)) then
      Jellyfish exhibits type passive motion.
      The jellyfish position is updated by equation (12) with fractional-order modified.
      Jellyfish exhibits type active motion.
      The jellyfish position is updated by equation (4).
     End if
    End if
    Check the boundary of the jellyfish location and calculate the new area.
    Update the location of the jellyfish and the most location
    Gaussian mutation mechanism
     If f (Znew(t)) < f ((t+ 1)) then
      update the optimal location to Znew(t).
     End if
   End for
   t = t + 1
End while