Research Article

A Big Data-Driven Approach to Analyze the Influencing Factors of Enterprise’s Technological Innovation

Table 1

The main parameters in equations’ definitions.


tnText keywords
cmConcepts in the domain ontology
Unregistered word
TFThe frequency of the keyword in dataset
μThe threshold value of keyword frequency
MThe semantic similarity and the relatedness matrix
dist(ci, cj)The semantic distance between concepts ci and cj in ontology
λThe influence factor of semantic distance on semantic similarity
fk(ci, cj)The number of times that concept ci and cj appear simultaneously in the k words window at the entire corpus
fc(ci)The frequency of the concept ci at the entire corpus
rel(ci, cj)Relatedness between concept ci and cj
Sim_Rel(ci, cj)Semantic similarity and relatedness between concept of ci and cj
αThe adjusting parameter
diThe text document
The weight of the term tj in the document di
tjThe feature vector of the document
zlThe cluster centre
The new document feature vector derived from tj
The cluster centre derived from zl