Research Article

Analysis of Risk Factors in Global Software Development: A Cross-Continental Study Using Modified Firefly Algorithm

Table 2

List of twenty-six risks related to time, cost, and resource shortlisted by practitioners.

Risk factorRisk no.QuestionRisk dimension

Lack of ineffective PM methodologyR1Q13Time
Inappropriate task timingsR2Q14
Failure to provide resourcesR3Q15
Failure in activity estimation and schedulingR4Q17
Inappropriate planningR5Q19
Unrealistic time estimateR6Q20
Cost overrunsR7Q26
Inexperienced project managerR8Q27
Project progress not monitored closely enoughR9Q28

Lack of balance on the project teamR10Q8Cost
Lack of ineffective PM methodologyR11Q13
Inappropriate task timingsR12Q14
Failure to provide resourcesR13Q15
Cost overrunsR14Q26
Inexperienced project managerR15Q27
Project progress not monitored closely enoughR16Q28

Lack of balance on the project teamR17Q8Resource
Inadequately trained development team membersR18Q10
Cultural differences of participantsR19Q11
Failure to provide resourcesR20Q15
Lack of cooperation and coordination among team membersR21Q16
Loss of key resource(s) that impact the projectR22Q21
Inadequate technical resourcesR23Q22
Lack of appropriately skilled resourcesR24Q23
Scope creepR25Q24
Project milestones not clearly definedR26Q25