Research Article

[Retracted] LncXIST Facilitates Iron Overload and Iron Overload-Induced Islet Beta Cell Injury in Type 2 Diabetes through miR-130a-3p/ALK2 Axis

Figure 2

XIST knockdown alleviates the iron overload-induced damage on INS-1 cells. (a) INS-1 cells were treated with different concentrations of iron-D. (b) The expression of XIST in islet beta cells transfected with control, vector, and sh-XIST detected by RT-qPCR. (c) Cell proliferation after transfection at different times was measured by MTT assay. Scale bar = 100 μm. (d) Representative results of TUNEL staining for every group. (e) GSIS assay was used to measure the secretion of insulin. (f) Knockdown of XIST downregulated LIP. (g) The protein expressions of hepcidin, TfR1, ferritin, and DMT1 in INS-1 cells were measured by Western blot.  < 0.05,  < 0.01.