Research Article

HA-CCP: A Hybrid Algorithm for Solving Capacitated Clustering Problem

Algorithm 2

 Input: graph , the cutoff time ;
 Output: the best solution ;
(1) is an empty solution;
(2)CM2 ;/ Construct an initial solution, Algorithm 3/
(4)return an empty solution;
(5)VND ;/ Improve solution , refers to [30]/
(8)  DM3 ;/ Destruct part of the solution, Algorithm 6/
(9)  CM2 ,;/ Reconstruct a solution, Algorithm 3/
(10)  ifthen
(11)   ;
(12)end if;
(13)VND ;/ Improve solution , refers to [30] /
(15)   ;/∗ Update the best solution with /
(16)   ;/∗ Update the current solution with /
(18)   ifthen/ Acceptance criteria, equation. (9)/
(19)   ;/ Accept the new solution as the current solution /
(20)  end if;
(21)end if;
(22)end while;
(23)return xb;