Research Article

Research on the Training and Management of Industrializing Workers in Prefabricated Building with Machine Vision and Human Behaviour Modelling Based on Industry 4.0 Era

Algorithm 1

Pseudocode of facial expression data collection for industrializing worker training test.
(1)Import the video recorded by workers during the test into the program.
(2)if cap.grab ():
(3) numframe + = 1
(4) if numframe %15 = = 1: # Screenshot of dismantling the video.
(5)  flag, frame = cap.retrieve ()
(6)  end if
(7)Save the video split images to the specified path, and the naming rule is str(numframe/15).
(8)Import the image disassembled by video.
(9)i = 0; m = 0; t = 0
(10) if≤100:
(11)  i + = 1
(12)  if t ≤ 20:
(13)   t + = 1; m + = 1
(14)   Import the image numbered T for expression recognition, and input the recognition data into m rows.
(15)   end if
(16)  Arrange the positive and negative expression choice array by Eq. (3).
(17)  The array is normalized by Eq. (4) and (5).
(18)  The standardized weights are calculated by Eq. (6)–(9).
(19)end if