Research Article

BUPNN: Manifold Learning Regularizer-Based Blood Usage Prediction Neural Network for Blood Centers

Algorithm 1

BUPNN algorithm.
Input: data: , learning rate: , epochs: , batch size: , , , network: ,
Output: graph embedding: .
(1)while; ; ++ do
(2) ⊳ # blood data complementation in equation (1)
(3)  while; ; ++ do
(4)    ⊳ # blood data augmentation in equation (3)
(5)   ; ⊳ # map input data into space in equation (4)
(6)   ; ⊳ # map input data into space in equation (4)
(7)   ; ; ⊳ #calculate distance in and
(8)   ; ; ⊳ #calculate similarity in and in equation (5)
(9)    ; ⊳ # calculate loss function in equation (10).
(10)   , ; ⊳ # update parameters.
(11)  end while
(12)end while
(13); ⊳ # calculate the embedding result.