Research Article

Road-Type Classification with Deep AutoEncoder

Algorithm 2

Feature generation for each road segment.
Require: and
Output: Feature vector for each road segment
(1)for each road segment do
(2)Obtain the length of from .
(3)Compute midpoint coordinates of .
(4)Obtain geometry of .
(5)if does not have a geometry then
(6)  Convert to line geometry.
(7)  Divide into 20 equally spaced distanced points .
(8)  for to 20 do
(9)   Subtract by midpoint coordinates .
(10)  end for
(12)  Divide geometry into 20 equally spaced distanced points .
(13)  for to 20 do
(14)   Subtract by midpoint coordinates .
(15)  end for
(16)end if
(17)Obtain one hot encoded vector of the speed limits with standard values.
(18)Concatenate features generated from steps 2 to 17.
(19)end for