Research Article

Machine Learning Hybrid Model for the Prediction of Chronic Kidney Disease

Table 1

Description of common diseases of the kidney.


CKDChronic kidney disease (CKD) can occur when a disease or condition damages kidney function, causing kidney damage to deteriorate over a few months or years.
Kidney stonesKidney stones (also called renal calculi) are hard pledges made of salts and minerals that form inside your kidney.
GlomerulonephritisGlomerulonephritis causes infection and damage to the filtering part of the kidneys (glomerulus). It can occur quickly or could be over a longer period. Poisons, metabolic wastes, and surplus fluid are not properly strained into the urine. Instead, they build up in the body producing inflammation and fatigue.
Polycystic kidney diseasePolycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a genetic disorder that can produce many cysts filled with fluid and they grow inside your kidneys. Usually, they are harmless. The cysts can change the shape of the kidneys while making them much bigger.