Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience

Computational Intelligence-Enabled Cybersecurity for Emerging Technologies

Publishing date
01 Jun 2023
Submission deadline
10 Feb 2023

1Bennett University, Greater Noida, India

2University of Salerno, Fisciano, Italy

3Providence University, Taichung City, Taiwan

This issue is now closed for submissions.

Computational Intelligence-Enabled Cybersecurity for Emerging Technologies

This issue is now closed for submissions.


In the present era, numerous technologies have rapidly emerged. With the emergence of these technologies, huge data began traveling on the Internet in a continuous fashion. The data that is traveling on the Internet comprises confidential information like transactions handled in banks online, or various non-confidential information like temperature on an hourly basis. To handle this data and manage secure transmission on the Internet, security and privacy is a major concern that needs to be considered. Cybersecurity is a branch of computer science that enhances the secure transmission of data on the Internet and within devices. To work with emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, deep learning, osmotic computing, robotics, big data, and more, cybersecurity needs to be enhanced as it is acting as a backbone to any infrastructure. The use of these technologies leads to the expansion of robots and humanoids across the globe. Thus, the inclusion of computational intelligence needs to be included in cybersecurity to tackle such emerging technologies.

Many different solutions in computational intelligence-enabled cybersecurity have been proposed to address the issues and challenges in emerging technologies and to overcome the battle of networks, optimization in distributed environments, distributed learning, and other aspects using numerous technologies. However, they are not properly designed to address the emerging needs of society. Many service parameters are yet to be uncovered, and need to be focused on to enhance the quality of services like secure data migration and their issues, intelligent cybersecurity systems to manage emerging technologies, security issues arising during resource allocation and resource scheduling, challenges related to security in manufacturing product designs, authentication and authorization issues in accessing products and services, minimization of energy efficiency and reduction of computational costs. Therefore, the use of computational intelligence-enabled cybersecurity for emerging technologies is a key factor, especially for emerging factories in the world of “smart” and “intelligent” devices.

This Special Issue welcomes original research and review articles on novel computational intelligence-enabled cybersecurity methods, enhancing challenges related to security and privacy, use of artificial intelligence, and applications of AI-based technology for effective data transmission and secure data transfer in emerging technologies. This Special Issue seeks to bring researchers, scholars, and participators towards technology factors to govern, model, and control computational intelligence-enabled cybersecurity for emerging technologies as well as to address challenges and present effective solutions in the growing technological world.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • Computational intelligence-enabled cybersecurity for fault tolerance abilities using the Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Intelligent theoretical and mathematical models for enhancing cybersecurity
  • Learning from cybersecurity data streams using the Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain
  • Futuristic technologies based on computational Intelligence-enabled cybersecurity for emerging technologies
  • Intelligent decision-making and visual semantic analytics
  • Secure data transmission in artificial intelligence and in modeling the cyber-physical world
  • IoT-based solutions for computational intelligence-based cybersecurity systems
  • Deep learning toward cybersecurity systems
  • Preventative measures using artificial intelligence
  • Cybersecurity in mobile sensor networks, and cybersecurity methods and computational intelligent systems for data analytics
  • Computational intelligence for secure Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Internet-connected cars with enhanced cybersecurity
  • Modeling and control of computational intelligence-enabled cybersecurity using emerging technologies
  • Robotics for the secure transmission of information
  • Use of security systems in smart home environments

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