Research Article

Outcomes of Patients with Intestinal Failure after the Development and Implementation of a Multidisciplinary Team

Table 1

Demographics and clinical characteristics of infants with SBS.


Gestational age (weeks)30.1 ± 4.931.1 ± 4.80.450
Birth weight (grams)1473 ± 9201736.8 ± 9750.307
Male14 (60)11 (39)0.349
CGA at first surgery (weeks)35 ± 5.1 [35.6 ± 8.7 [0.768
Necrotizing enterocolitis20 (74)11 (39)0.009
Intestinal atresia3 (11)5 (18)0.478
Gastroschisis2 (7)4 (14)0.413
Volvulus1 (4)4 (14)0.172
Other7 (26)12 (43)
Outcomes after surgery
Length of small bowel (cm)115.6 ± 24.6112.3 ± 550.837
% of SB left93.4 ± 10.484.5 ± 220.062
Length of colon (cm)27.4 ± 6.218.3 ± 17.40.245
% of colon left95.1 ± 11.983.4 ± 31.70.076
Presence of ICV19 (70)21 (75)0.700
NICU stay (days)125.8 ± 60.8115.8 ± 87.60.628
Length of hospitalization (days)160.5 ± 83.6202.9 ± 106.60.107
Follow-up by INFANT (days)NA564.6 ± 286.1NA

CGA = corrected gestational age; ICV = ileocecal valve; NICU = Neonatal Intensive Care Unit; SB = small bowel; INFANT = INtestinal Failure and Advanced Nutrition Team. Results are presented as mean ± SD or (%); [ ] = of patients for that specific variable.