Research Article

Immune Condition of Colorectal Cancer Patients Featured by Serum Chemokines and Gene Expressions of CD4+ Cells in Blood

Table 3

Biological process networks for 250 genes whose expression in peripheral CD4+ cells was positively correlated with serum IL-8 concentration.

NetworksTotalP valueFalse discovery rateIn dataNetwork objects from active data

Cytoskeleton_Actin filaments1762.12E-052.31E-0310Actin muscle, Talin, Tropomyosin, RhoA, Myosin I, CAPZA, MELC, TARA, Actin, CAPZA1

Cytoskeleton_Regulation of cytoskeleton rearrangement1838.79E-043.67E-028Actin muscle, Talin, RhoA, CAPZA, MELC, TARA, Actin, CAPZA1

Development_Skeletal muscle development1441.01E-033.67E-027ACTA2, Smooth muscle myosin, Actin muscle, Tropomyosin, RhoA, MELC, Actin

Muscle contraction1732.90E-036.54E-027ACTA2, Syntrophin B, Smooth muscle myosin, Actin muscle, Tropomyosin, MELC, Actin

Immune response_Phagocytosis2223.00E-036.54E-028ILT2, Talin, CD63, RhoA, Myosin I, MSR1, MELC, Actin

Cell adhesion_Integrin priming1107.22E-031.17E-015ACTA2, ITGA2B, Talin, Integrin, Actin

Cell adhesion_Platelet aggregation1587.84E-031.17E-016COX-1 (PTGS1), Talin, RhoA, ENP1, MELC, GP-IB beta

Cell adhesion_Integrin-mediated cell-matrix adhesion2149.17E-031.17E-017ITGA2B, ITGB5, Talin, Integrin, RhoA, MELC, Actin

Inflammation_Amphoterin signaling1189.64E-031.17E-015ITGAM, MyD88, RhoA, MELC, Actin

Proteolysis_Proteolysis in cell cycle and apoptosis1251.22E-021.33E-015Presenilin 2, Cathepsin C, FBX6, Pseudo-ICE, Presenilin