Research Article

Predictive Value of Adiposity Level, Metabolic Syndrome, and Insulin Resistance for the Risk of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Diagnosis in Obese Children

Table 4

Diagnostic value of analysed variables in NAFLD prediction.

VariableSymbolAUC (95% CI)Cut pointSensitivitySpecificitySE

Total cholesterolTch0.660 (0.557–0.764)197 mg/dl44.9%80.7%0.053
TriglyceridesTG0.713 (0.614–0.813)161 mg/dl61.2%75.4%0.051
Glucose in 120 min of OGTTglu 1200.654 (0.548–0.759)112 mg/dl70.2%56.4%0.054
Fasting insulinins 00.829 (0.746–0.911)18.9 μIU/ml75%87.3 %0.042

Insulin in 120 min of OGTTins 1200.666 (0.559–0.772)129 μIU/ml38.3%90.9%0.054
Insulin resistanceHOMA-IR0.817 (0.733–0.901)4.08970.8%83.6%0.043