Clinical Study

Endoscopic Resection of Gastric Submucosal Masses by a Dental Floss Traction Method

Figure 1

ESD with dental floss clip traction. (a) A bump was seen in the anterior gastric corpus wall (endoscopic ultrasound showed it originated from the muscular layer and grows extraluminally, 2.0cm in diameter), labeled with Hook Knife. (b) The mass was showed after Hook knife precutting the mucous layer. (c) Strip off the mass. (d) The mass was pulled by the dental floss clip. (e) The lesion clearly exposed with the dental floss traction. The lesion was easier to remove en bloc with hook knife. (f) The post-ESD wound has no defect left. A large perforation was seen. (g) The wound was large and closed with nylon loop pouch-suture through a single channel endoscope. (h) The tumor.
