Research Article

Renal Dysfunction is a Risk Factor of Death after Gastric Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection in Elderly Patients Aged ≥80 Years

Table 1

Clinical characteristics of patients in the elderly and nonelderly groups.

Elderly group (n = 108)Nonelderly group (n = 425) value

Age (mean ± SD), years83.4 ± 2.769.6 ± 7.9<0.05
Sex (male/female)82/26306/119n.s.
BMI (mean ± SD), kg/m222.4 ± 3.023.2 ± 3.8n.s.
ECOG-PS (0–1/2–4)108/0425/0n.s.
Preoperative eGFR (mean ± SD), ml/min/1.73 m257.6 ± 16.869.4 ± 18.9<0.05
Use of anticoagulants and/or antiplatelet drugs, n (%)30 (27.8)68 (16.0)<0.05
Comorbidities, n (%)
 Cardiovascular disease23 (21.3)58 (13.6)n.s.
 History of cerebrovascular events9 (8.3)16 (3.8)n.s.
 Hypertension54 (50.0)162 (38.1)<0.05
 Diabetes12 (11.1)46 (10.8)n.s.

SD, standard deviation; BMI, body mass index; PS, performance status; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate. Unpaired t-test;chi-square test;Fisher’s exact test.