Research Article

Renal Dysfunction is a Risk Factor of Death after Gastric Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection in Elderly Patients Aged ≥80 Years

Table 3

Curative resection rates and complications related to endoscopic submucosal dissection.

Elderly group (108 patients) (128 lesions)Nonelderly group (425 patients) (504 lesions) value

En block resection, n (%)125 (97.7)482 (95.6)n.s.
Curative resection, n (%)110 (85.9)432 (85.7)n.s.
Noncurative resection (eCuraC1/eCuraC2), n (%)18 (3/15)72 (14/58)n.s.
Patients who underwent additional surgical resection, n (%)2 (1.9)24 (5.6)n.s.
 Complications, n (%)
 Postoperative bleeding7 (6.5)18 (4.2)n.s.
 Perforation0 (0)1 (0.2)n.s.
 Aspiration pneumonia4 (3.7)11 (2.6)n.s.
 Delirium1 (0.9)0 (0)n.s.

ESD, endoscopic submucosal dissection; eCuraC1, noncurative resection because horizontal margin was positive according to the Japanese gastric cancer treatment guidelines; eCuraC2, noncurative resection due to the factor other than eCuraC1 according to the Japanese gastric cancer treatment guidelines. Fisher’s exact test; chi-square test.