Research Article

Lymphopenia Is Associated with Gross Target Volumes and Fractions in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients Treated with External Beam Radiation Therapy and Also Indicates Worse Overall Survival

Table 3

Univariate and multivariate Cox regression analysis of survival among patient characteristics.

VariableUnivariate analysisMultivariate analysis
HR 95% CI valueHR 95% CI value

Gender male vs. female0.76 (0.47–1.25)0.285
Age (year) ≤58 vs. >580.82 (0.57–1.19)0.298

80 vs. 900.93 (0.52–1.66)0.802
80 vs. 1001.67 (0.67–4.21)0.273

Child-Pugh score0.001
5 vs. 61.84 (1.19–2.83)0.006
5 vs. ≥72.52 (1.49–4.26)0.001

BCLC stage<0.001<0.001
A vs. B1.51 (0.92–2.48)0.1061.26 (0.68–2.31)0.460
A vs. C3.30 (2.00–5.44)<0.0013.68 (1.87–7.22)<0.001

HBV negative vs. positive0.99 (0.64–1.51)0.950
AFP (IU/ml) ≤28.1 vs. >28.11.79 (1.17–2.73)0.007
Tumor thrombus (no vs. yes)2.69 (1.76–4.11)<0.001
LNM (no vs. yes)1.82 (1.10–3.01)0.020
TACE (no vs. yes)1.13 (0.78–1.65)0.514
RFA (no vs. yes)0.55 (0.26–1.18)0.125
Tumor size (cm) ≤5.0 vs. >5.02.44 (1.68–3.53)<0.001
BED (Gy) ≤75 vs. >750.47 (0.32–0.69)<0.001
Fractions ≤16 vs. >162.79 (1.89–4.12)<0.001NI
ALC pre-RT (×109/L) ≤1.3 vs. >1.30.81 (0.54–1.22)0.313
ALC post-RT (×109/L) ≤0.5 vs. >0.50.41 (0.26–0.65)<0.001
Lymphocyte nadir (×109/L) ≤0.5 vs. >0.50.31 (0.19–0.49)<0.0010.35 (0.19–0.63)<0.001
GTV (cc) ≤55.0 vs. >55.03.00 (2.00–4.51)<0.001NI

NI = not included.