Research Article

Liver Imaging and Data System (LI-RADS) Version 2018 and Other Imaging Features in Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma in Chinese Adults with vs. without Chronic Hepatitis B Viral Infection

Table 1

Other MR imaging features and their definitions.


LobeLeft (tumor entirely contained within left lobe)
Right (tumor entirely contained within right lobe)
Both (tumor extending into both lobes)
LocationSubcapsular (no visible parenchyma between mass and liver surface)
Not subcapsular (visible parenchyma between mass and liver surface)
ShapeRound (circular or oval without lobulation or irregularity)
Lobulated/irregular (lobulated and/or irregular margin)
Liver surface retractionLiver border retraction peripheral to tumor
Hepatic lobe atrophyUnequivocal decrease in lobar volume with crowding of the bile ducts and hepatic vasculature
Satellite nodulesPresence of discrete parenchymal nodules within 1 cm of primary tumor margin
Lymph node metastasesConsidered positive when the short axis of a porta hepatis lymph node was greater than 10 mm or when a node showed central necrosis on MRI