Research Article

The Role of Combining Probiotics in Preventing and Controlling Inflammation: A Focus on the Anti-Inflammatory and Immunomodulatory Effects of Probiotics in an In Vitro Model of IBD

Figure 2

Relative gene expression (mean fold change) of (a) JAK1, (b) JAK2, (c) JAK3, (d), and (e) TYK2 in the different groups of treatments. Data were normalized with GAPDH. Data were represented as mean SD. The number 24 and 48 refers to different time orders of HT-29 cell line treatments. (C) represents control; (P) represents pathogen; PLB represents first pathogen and then Lactobacillus/Bifidobacterium; LBP represents first Lactobacillus/Bifidobacterium and then sonicated pathogen; P + LB represents sonicated pathogen and then Lactobacillus/Bifidobacterium added simultaneously. Data were considered statistically significant when (, ). Letter (a) indicates the relatedness between C24 and C48 with other treatments, letter (b) shows the relatedness between sp24 and other treatments, and letter (c) shows the relatedness between sp48 with other treatments. The relatedness between other treatments is shown with brackets.