Research Article

Autoimmune Hepatitis with Acute Presentation: Clinical, Biochemical, and Histological Features of 126 Patients

Table 6

Histological findings from liver biopsies according to disease severity.

Histological findingNonsevere (N = 79)Severe (N = 33)Fulminant (N = 14) value

Interface hepatitis67 (85.0%)25 (76.0%)11 (79.0%)0.424
Plasma cells70 (89.0%)26 (79.0%)13 (93.0%)0.388
Chronic hepatitis66 (84.0%)25 (76.0%)11 (79.0%)0.625
Rosettes27 (34.0%)15 (45.0%)3 (21.0%)0.297
Cholestasis23 (29.0%)16 (48.0%)13 (93.0%)<0.001
Centrilobular necrosis
 Mild39 (49.0%)7 (21.0%)5 (36.0%)<0.001
 Moderate19 (24.0%)4 (12.0%)0 (0.0%)
 Severe21 (27.0%)22 (67.0%)9 (64.0%)
Fibrosis (METAVIR)1 (0–3)1 (0–3)1 (0–3)1.000
 Mod/Severe21 (27.0%)9 (27.0%)4 (29.0%)1.000

: Moderate/severe fibrosis is defined as a METAVIR score of F3 or F4.