Research Article

Diagnostic Interpretation Guidance for Pediatric Enteric Pathogens: A Modified Delphi Consensus Process

Table 2

Expert panel survey, prior to in-person meeting, where attendees rated the degree to which they agreed that if the provided definition was met, in a child with vomiting and/or diarrhea, the pathogen is highly likely to be causative of clinical illness.

PathogenDefinitionStrongly disagreeDisagreeNeither agree nor disagreeAgreeStrongly agreeProportion agreement (%)

Bacterial pathogens, (%)
AeromonasIsolation of Aeromonas in a stool specimen via culture or PCR002/14 (14%)9/14 (64%)3/14 (21%)85
CampylobacterIsolation of Campylobacter spp. from a stool specimen via culture or PCR004/14 (29%)6/14 (43%)4/14 (29%)72
Clostridium difficileA positive toxin A or B assay for Clostridium difficile from a stool specimen via PCR for toxin A/B1/14 (7%)4/14 (29%)4/14 (29%)2/14 (14%)(3/14) (21%)36
EdwardsiellaIsolation of Edwardsiella in a stool specimen via culture or PCR1/14 (7%)07/14 (50%)6/14 (43%)043
Escherichia coli O157 : H7Isolation of Escherichia coli O157 : H7 from a stool specimen via culture, EIA, or PCR0004/14 (29%)10/14 (71%)100
Escherichia coli (non-O157 : H7)Isolation of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (non-O157 : H7) from a stool specimen via culture, EIA, or PCR001/14 (7%)8/14 (57%)5/14 (36%)93
SalmonellaIsolation of spp. from a stool specimen via culture or PCR004/13 (31%)6/13 (46%)3/13 (23%)69
ShigellaIsolation of Shigella spp. from a stool specimen via culture or PCR001/13 (8%)8/13 (62%)4/13 (31%)93
Vibrio cholerae serotype O1 or O139Isolation of cholera toxin-producing Vibrio cholerae serotype O1 or O139 from a stool specimen via culture or PCR002/13 (15%)4/13 (31%)7/13 (54%)85
Yersinia enterocoliticaIsolation of Yersinia enterocolitica or Yersinia pseudotuberculosis from a stool specimen via culture or PCR01/14 (7%)2/14 (14%)8/14 (57%)3/14 (21%)79

Viral pathogens, (%)
 RotavirusIsolation of rotavirus from stool specimen by EM, EIA, latex agglutination, or PCR0008/14 (57%)6/14 (43%)100
 Adenovirus (any serotype)Isolation of adenovirus in a stool specimen via PCR02/14 (14%)7/14 (50%)5/14 (36%)036
 Adenovirus 40/41Isolation of adenovirus 40/41 in a stool specimen via PCR002/14 (14%)11/14 (79%)1/14 (7%)86
 NorovirusIsolation of norovirus from a stool specimen or ORAL SWAB via PCR000(8/14) (57%)6/14 (43%)100
 SapovirusIsolation of sapovirus in a stool specimen via PCR002/14 (14%)9/14 (64%)3/14 (21%)85

Parasitic pathogens, (%)
CryptosporidiumIsolation of Cryptosporidium from a stool specimen via microscopy, EIA, or PCR01/14 (7%)2/14 (14%)7/14 (50%)4/14 (29%)79
Entamoeba histolyticaDetection of Entamoeba histolytica from a stool specimen via microscopy1/14 (7%)1/14 (7%)4/14 (29%)4/14 (29%)4/14 (29%)58
Giardia lambliaDetection of Giardia lamblia in a stool specimen via microscopy or EIA01/14 (7%)1/14 (7%)10/14 (71%)2/14 (14%)85

EIA, enzyme immunoassay; PCR, polymerase chain reaction. Stool specimen includes bulk stool and/or rectal swab. All definitions are in the context of a single-positive pathogen.