Research Article

Isolation and Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing of Haemophilus influenzae from Nasopharynx of Children under Five Years Attending Maternal and Child Health Clinic in Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital

Table 1

The distribution of participants by gender and age.

Age intervals (months)SexTotal

Below 339 (50.00%)39 (50.00%)78 (31.45%)
3 to 517 (38.64%)27 (61.36%)44 (17.74%)
6 to 810 (40.00%)15 (60.00%)25 (10.08%)
9 to 1121 (51.22%)20 (48.78%)41 (16.53%)
12 to 1816 (45.71%)19 (54.29%)35 (14.11%)
Above 1813 (52.00%)12 (48.00%)25 (10.08%)
Total116 (46.77%)132 (53.23%)248 (100.00%)