Research article

Bacterial Profile and Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern of Urinary Tract Infection among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Care at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Southern Ethiopia

Table 3

Multivariate analysis for the assessment of factors associated with UTI among pregnant women attending ANC at HUCSH, Southern Ethiopia, from March to June 2019.

VariablesFrequency (%)UTICOR (95% CI) valueAOR (95%CI) value
Presence (%)Absence (%)

Age in years
 16–20172 (58.1)11 (6.4)161 (93.6)0.376 (0.074–1.910)0.2380.226 (0.031–1.633)0.141
 21–25111 (37.5)10 (9.0)101 (91.0)0.545 (0.106–2.809)0.4680.315 (0.047–2.138)0.237
 ≥2613 (4.4)2 (16.7)11 (83.3)1

 Urban213 (72.0)21 (9.9)192 (90.1)4.430 (1.015–19.33)0.0484.315 (0.939–19.839)0.060
 Rural83 (28.0)2 (2.4)81 (97.6)1

Educational status
 Read and Write49 (16.6)1 (2.0)48 (98.0)1
 Elementary97 (32.8)7 (7.2)90 (92.8)0.127 (0.016–1.016)0.0523.139 (0.306–32.147)0.335
 High school72 (24.3)4 (5.6)68 (94.4)0.474 (0.174–1.286)0.1432.613 (0.232–29.464)0.437
 Higher education78 (26.4)11 (14.1)67 (85.9)0.358 (0.109–1.181)0.0928.914 (0.926–85.797)0.058

 Housewife125 (42.2)6 (5.6)101 (94.4)1
 Merchant89 (30.1)11 (13.1)73 (86.9)1.723 (0.199–14.892)0.6213.203 (0.992–10.339)0.052
 Government employee48 (16.2)5 (6.7)70 (93.3)4.370 (0.540–35.395)0.1673.418 (0.845–13.828)0.085
 Others34 (11.5)1 (3.3)29 (96.7)2.071 (0.232–18.513)0.5150.538 (0.057–5.121)0.590

History of catheterization
 Presence9 (3.0)2 (22.2)7 (77.8)1
 Absence287 (97.0)21 (7.3)266 (92.7)3.619 (0.707–18.528)0.1230.173 (0.026–1.140)0.068

 Nulliparous89 (30.1)8 (9.0)81 (91.0)1
 Primiparous99 (33.4)5 (5.1)94 (94.9)0.968 (0.365–2.566)0.9480.573 (0.159–2.070)0.396
 Multipara108 (36.5)10 (9.3)98 (90.7)0.521 (0.172–1.582)0.2500.916 (0.267–3.151).890