Research Article

Prevalence, Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern, and Associated Factors of Urinary Tract Infections among Pregnant and Nonpregnant Women at Public Health Facilities, Harar, Eastern Ethiopia: A Comparative Cross-Sectional Study

Table 5

Factors associated with UTIs among pregnant and nonpregnant women at public health facilities, Harar, Eastern Ethiopia, from February 2017 to December 2017.

VariablesSignificant bacteriuriaCrude OR (95% CI)Adjusted OR (95% CI)
Yes (%)No (%)

Age group (in years)
 >406 (54.5)5 (45.5)0.19 (0.1, 0.8)0.28 (0.1, 1.6)
 31–4049 (24)155 (76)0.74 (0.3, 1.7)1.26 (0.5, 3.3)
 21–3084 (22)297 (78)0.83 (0.4, 1.9)1.11 (0.5, 2.8)
 <218 (19)34 (81)11
 Rural34 (18.9)146 (81.1)0.71 (0.9, 2.2)1.14 (0.7, 1.9)
 Urban113 (24.7)345 (75.3)11
Educational status
 No formal education19 (17)93 (83)0.98 (0.5, 2.0)1.52 (0.7, 3.3)
 Primary school66 (22.7)22 5(77.3)1.37 (0.7, 2.7)1.01 (0.5, 1.9)
 Secondary school30 (27)81 (73)1.54 (0.7, 3.2)0.85 (0.4, 1.8)
 Above secondary school32 (25.8)92 (74.2)11
 Employee16 (71)23 (59)0.41 (0.2, 0.8)0.71 (0.2, 2.7)
 House-wife48 (24.7)146 (75.3)0.87 (0.6, 1.4)1.15 (0.4, 2.9)
 Daily labour26 (17.6)122 (82.4)1.34 (0.8, 2.2)1.44 (0.7, 3.2)
 Merchants57 (22.2)200 (77.8)11
Monthly income
 >117.00 USD45 (32.4)94 (67.6)0.56 (0.4, 0.9)0.51 (0.3, 1.9)
 59.01–117.00 USD38 (19.4)158 (80.6)1.10 (0.7, 1.7)0.88 (0.5, 1.5)
 <59.00 USD64 (21.1)239 (78.9)11
 Nullipara38 (23.8)122 (76.3)1
 Multipara109 (22.8)369 (77.2)1.05 (0.7, 1.6)
History of hospitalization
 Yes17 (28.3)43 (71.7)0.73 (0.4, 1.3)
 No130 (22.5)448 (77.5)1
History of UTI
 Yes28 (27.5)74 (72.5)1.33 (0.5, 1.2)1.06 (0.6, 1.9)
 No119 (22.2)417 (77.8)11
Current symptoms of the UTI
 No65 (67)32 (33)11
 Yes82 (15.2)459 (84.8)11.37 (7.0, 18.5)11.20 (6.3, 19.8)
History of catheterization
 No48 (80)12 (20)11
 Yes99 (17.1)479 (82.9)19.35 (9.9, 37.8)18.36 (8.7, 38.5)
Genital wash with soap
 Yes130 (25.7)375 (74.3)1
 No17 (12.8)116 (82.2)2.37 (1.4, 4.1)

Note. Statistically significant; OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval.