Research Article

Risk Factors for COVID-19 in Patients with Hypertension

Table 4

Univariate logistic regression analysis of patients with COVID-19 and hypertension.

Univariate OR (95% CI) value

Diabetes2.148 (1.074–4.297)0.031
Coronary heart disease3.009 (1.344–6.733)0.007
Cerebrovascular disease4.279 (1.181–15.510)0.027
Percentage of PIV, %1.025 (1.004–1.046)0.021
White blood cell count, ×109/L1.133 (1.035–1.241)0.007
Neutrophil count, ×109/L1.128 (1.032–1.232)0.008
ALP, IU/L1.007 (0.998–1.016)0.112
Urea nitrogen, mmol/L1.142 (1.037–1.257)0.007
UA (uric acid), umol/L1.003 (1–1.005)0.028
Creatinine, umol/L1.016 (1.004–1.027)0.008
K+0.582 (0.383–0.885)0.011

ALT: alanine aminotransferase; OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval.