Research Article

Risk Factors and Outcome of Sepsis in Traumatic Patients and Pathogen Detection Using Metagenomic Next-Generation Sequencing

Table 2

Patient characteristics between sepsis and non-sepsis groups.

CharacteristicSepsis (n = 142)Non-sepsis (n = 386)P

Age (year)50.18 ± 13.6848.93 ± 14.340.369
Gender (male/%)105 (73.94%)281 (72.80%)0.792
BMI25.22 ± 3.6024.70 ± 2.840.084
Cause of trauma (n/%)0.093
Traffic-related injury65 (45.77%)190 (49.22%)
Falling injury54 (38.03)163 (42.23%)
Blunt-force injury14 (9.86%)20 (5.18%)
Other9 (6.34%)13 (3.37%)
Location of trauma>0.05
Head and neck74 (45.68%)190 (49.22%)
Limbs and pelvis79 (55.63%)178 (46.11%)
Chest97 (68.31%)236 (61.14%)
Abdomen26 (18.31%)59 (15.28%)
Previous medical history (n/%)22 (15.49%)40 (10.36%)0.104
Time of admission (h)10.39 ± 5.3310.08 ± 5.260.550
Shock on admission (n/%)63104<0.001
Operation within 24 h after EICU admission (n/%)110 (77.46%)281 (72.80%)0.278
Blood transfusion (n/%)126 (88.73%)281 (72.80%)<0.001
Mechanical ventilation (n/%)129 (90.85%)300 (77.72%)<0.001
Body temperature (°C)37.59 ± 0.6237.37 ± 0.42<0.001
Heart rate (/min)103.81 ± 17.0992.00 ± 17.03<0.001
SBP (mmHg)122.47 ± 13.42121.44 ± 13.480.143
DBP (mmHg)68.63 ± 8.9270.07 ± 8.220.082
Blood pH7.39 ± 0.117.40 ± 0.090.288
Oxygenation index (mmHg)314.14 ± 190.34335.70 ± 198.590.264
SpO2 (%)87.57 ± 12.688.22 ± 11.710.580
PaO2 (mmHg)140.93 ± 65.82139.1 ± 66.140.778
PaCO2 (mmHg)37.11 ± 9.2435.86 ± 6.220.076
WBC count (1 × 109/L)13.45 ± 4.8411.43 ± 5.73<0.001
Neutrophil count (1 × 109/L)14.21 ± 7.0712.43 ± 6.50.007
Hematocrit (%)31.49 ± 12.1235.77 ± 14.950.002
Platelet count (1 × 109/L)165.59 ± 87.09157.89 ± 71.220.301
TBA (μmol/L)18.14 ± 1.8917.99 ± 2.240.478
Albumin (g/L)33.26 ± 8.1432.09 ± 7.280.114
TBIL (mg/dL)20.48 ± 2.1720.29 ± 1.940.335
Urea nitrogen (mmol/L)7.35 ± 4.35.85 ± 2.06<0.001
Creatinine (μmol/L)91.09 ± 47.8573.41 ± 22.62<0.001
CRP (mg/dL)12.1 ± 0.787.10 ± 0.66<0.001
D-D dimer (mg/L)3.26 ± 1.271.22 ± 0.42<0.001
PCT (mg/L)4.03 ± 1.291.32 ± 0.18<0.001
Lactic acid (mmol/L)5.32 ± 1.725.09 ± 1.60.152
Blood glucose (mmol/L)8.85 ± 3.328.4 ± 2.620.105
APACHE II score51.52 ± 7.1143.71 ± 6.32<0.001
SOFA score7.77 ± 2.135.36 ± 2.37<0.001
ISS score24.73 ± 4.9220.43 ± 3.97<0.001
MODS102 (71.83%)148 (38.24%)<0.001
Respiratory dysfunction115 (80.99%)203 (52.59%)<0.001
Coagulation disorder66 (46.48%)146 (37.82%)0.072
Neurological dysfunction55 (38.73%)124 (32.12%)0.155
Circulating dysfunction51 (35.92%)39 (10.10%)<0.001
Urinary dysfunction34 (23.94%)19 (4.92%)<0.001

SpO2, oxygen saturation of blood; PtO2, oxygen partial pressure; PtCO2, carbon dioxide partial pressure; Hb, hemoglobin; TBA, total bile acid; TBIL, total bilirubin; CRP, C-reactive protein; PCT, procalcitonin; APACHE II, acute physiology and chronic health evaluation II; SOFA, sequential organ failure assessment; ISS, Injury Severity Score; MODS, Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndromes. The measurement data which are normally distributed are shown as mean ± standard deviation and compared by student's t-test. The enumeration data are presented as percentage and compared using chi-square test.