Research Article

Risk Factors and Outcome of Sepsis in Traumatic Patients and Pathogen Detection Using Metagenomic Next-Generation Sequencing

Table 4

Patient outcomes between sepsis and non-sepsis groups.

OutcomeSepsis (n = 142)Non-sepsis (n = 386)P

Death during the EICU (n/%)38 (26.76%)56 (14.51%)0.002
LOS in the EICU (d)19.35 ± 21.1613.80 ± 18.540.004
Total ventilator days (d)9.51 ± 10.664.56 ± 5.92<0.001
28-day mortality ((n/%))64 (45.07%)74 (19.17%)<0.001

EICU, emergency intensive care unit; LOS, length of stay.