Research Article

Mycobacterium avium Infection of Multinucleated Giant Cells Reveals Association of Bacterial Survival to Autophagy and Cholesterol Utilization

Figure 8

Effects of altering lipid cellular components during mycobacterial infection. (a) Growth curve of M. avium A5 in 7H9 supplemented with either DMSO, U18666A (3 μg/ml), or D609 (100 μM). D609 was added at specified time points after inoculation of growth media. (b) Survival of M. avium in MGCs in the presence of intracellular cholesterol transport inhibitor U18666A (3 μg/ml) or in media only. (c) Survival of M. avium in MGCs in the presence of sphingomyelin synthase inhibitor D609 (100 μM) or in media only. (d) D609 was added to MGCs at 24 or 48 h.p.i.; then, CFUs were determined over 72 h. (e) Extracellular CFUs from (d) supernatants (SN) from infected MGCs were plated at each time point. Statistically significant treatments are compared to untreated. Data shown are from 3 independent experiments. Statistical comparisons: ; .