Research Article

Investigation on the Neural Mechanism of Hypnosis-Based Respiratory Control Using Functional MRI

Figure 3

Statistical T-maps of interstate neural activity differences. The color-bar shows the statistical T-value for all maps. Red/blue indicates increased/decreased activity in hypnosis state, respectively. The threshold of T-maps are set at , AlphaSim-corrected, cluster size >324 mm3. fALFF = fractional amplitude of low frequency fluctuation; ReHo = regional homogeneity; DC = degree centrality; L = left hemisphere; R = right hemisphere; IPL = inferior parietal lobule; CAL = cerebellum anterior lobe; SFGdor = dorsolateral superior frontal gyrus; PCu = precuneus; PCC = posterior cingulate cortex; IFGtri = triangular part of inferior frontal gyrus; MFG = middle frontal gyrus; CPL = cerebellum posterior lobe; MPFCorb = medial orbital of prefrontal cortex.