Research Article

Imaging the Proangiogenic Effects of Cardiovascular Drugs in a Diabetic Model of Limb Ischemia

Table 1

Table of assessment criteria for limb damage and limb function after induction of hind limb ischemia.

ScoreLimb damageFunctional use

1No necrosisNormal foot use for climbing and walking
2Necrosis affecting one toenailReduced ability to grip when climbing/normal use when walking
3Necrosis affecting two toenails or moreFoot not used for support when climbing/reduced use when walking
4Necrosis affecting one toeFoot not used for support when walking
5Necrosis affecting two toes or moreDragging limb

Impairment score was determined by multiplying the limb damage score by the functional use score (impairment score = limb damage score × functional use score).