Clinical Study

The Clinical Impact of Using 18F-FDG-PET/CT in the Diagnosis of Suspected Vasculitis: The Effect of Dose and Timing of Glucocorticoid Treatment

Table 2

Patients’ characteristics based on vasculitis diagnosis.

Vasculitis (n = 38)No vasculitis (n = 44) value

Female sex, n (%)23 (60.5)21 (47.7)0.246
Age, years, mean (SD)66.3 (13.4)59.5 (17.5)0.056
CRP max, mg/l, mean (SD)125.8 (88.3)131.8 (91.4)0.765
PCT max, µg/l, mean (SD)0.16 (0.16), n = 290.16 (0.18), n = 330.872
Prednisolone at scanning moment, mg, median (IQR)30.0 [33]1.0 [20]0.001
Patients using prednisolone29/3820/44
Prednisolone prior scanning, d, median (IQR)6.0 [11]0.0 [52]0.135
Prednisolone cumulative dose, mg, median (IQR)260.0 [1500]1.00 [1706]0.075
Fulfills ACR criteria for GCA, n (%)10 (26.3)3 (6.8)0.016
Fulfills ACR criteria for EGPA, GPA, or MPA, n (%)12 (31.6)8 (18.2)0.159
Fulfills ACR criteria for PAN, n (%)5 (13.2)2 (4.5)0.164
Fever over 38°C, n = 79, n (%)22 (57.9)26 (63.4)0.616

SD, standard deviation; CRP, C-reactive protein; PCT, procalcitonin; IQR, interquartile range; ACR, American College of Rheumatology; GCA, giant cell arteritis; EGPA, eosinophilic granulomatous polyangiitis; GPA, granulomatous polyangiitis; MPA, microscopic polyangiitis; PAN, polyarteritis nodosa. Significant at value <0.05.