Research Article

[Retracted] Study on the Effect of Hope Theory Combined with Psychological Intervention on the Improvement of Prognosis

Table 2

Changes in self-efficacy scores at different time points (‾x ± s).

GroupTime pointGSES

Joint group (n = 49)T110.23 ± 1.01
T219.63 ± 1.12
T329.43 ± 1.25
T437.55 ± 2.02

Traditional group (n = 49)T110.19 ± 1.21
T216.43 ± 1.02
T322.43 ± 1.15
T432.55 ± 1.62

F time point455.768
P time point<0.001
F pointgroup517.105
P pointgroup<0.001