Research Article

[Retracted] Design of Intelligent Diagnosis and Treatment System for Ophthalmic Diseases Based on Deep Neural Network Model

Table 3

Data volume of each classification problem in the third stage of the system.

Question numberData volume

1Body hypertrophy: 157; body nonhypertrophy: 109
2Pseudopterygium: 46; nonpseudopterygium: 220
3Head augmentation: 170; head not augmented: 96
4Head and body congested: 218; head and body uncongested: 48
5Progressive phase:203: nonprogressive phase: 36
6Corneal clouding invading the pupil area: 338; corneal clouding not invading the pupil area: 13
7Infiltrative or ulcerative phase: 272; perforated phase: 48; healing phase with a quiet lesion (observation phase): 32
8Corneal neovascularization: 176; corneal neovascularization not present: 175
9Keratoconus lesion margin clear: 149; keratoconus lesion margin blurred: 204
10Lamellar staining: 120; punctate staining or no staining: 25; corneal stump: 33