Research Article

PFP-LHCINCA: Pyramidal Fixed-Size Patch-Based Feature Extraction and Chi-Square Iterative Neighborhood Component Analysis for Automated Fetal Sex Classification on Ultrasound Images

Table 3

MATLAB implementation and parameter settings of the PFP-LHCINCA model.


Image resizing256 × 256
Image decompositionAverage pooling with four levels using 2 × 2, 4 × 4, 8 × 8, and 16 × 16
Patch division16 × 16 sized patches
LPQ and HOG feature extraction341 (256 LPQ and 36 HOG) features are extracted for each patch
Feature mergingThe concatenation function is merged
Chi2The most informative 1000 features are selected
INCARange: [100, 1000]; error function: kNN with 10-fold CV. Herein, k is 1, the distance metric is Euclidean, and weight is none
ClassifierskNN: k = 70, distance: correlation, weight: squared inverse
LD: discriminant type: linear, gamma: 0
NB: kernel: normal, support: unbounded
SVM: kernel function: Gaussian, box constraint: 3, kernel scale: 5.6
DT: split criterion: deviance, maximum number of splits: 51, surrogate: off
Bayesian optimizerAcquisition function: expected improvement per second plus, iterations: 100