Research Article

RLMD-PA: A Reinforcement Learning-Based Myocarditis Diagnosis Combined with a Population-Based Algorithm for Pretraining Weights

Table 1

Characteristics of the Z-Alizadeh Sani myocarditis dataset.

ProtocolsTE (mm)TR (mm)NFSlice thickness (mm)Concatenation and slice numberNEBreath-hold time (s)

CINE_segmented (true FISP) long axis (LAX)1.1533.60157318
CINE_segmented (true FISP) short axis (SAX)1.1131.921571518
T2-weighted (TIRM) LAX, precontrast52800Noncine10319
T2-weighted (TIRM) SAX, precontrast52800Noncine105110
T1 relative-weighted TSE (Trigger)-AXIA-dark blood pre- and postcontrast24525Noncine8517
Late-GD enhancement LGE (high-resolution PSIR) SAX and LAX3.16666Noncine8117

TE: time echo, TR: time repetition, NF: number of frames, NE: number of excitations.