Research Article

Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Thoracic Structures: Based on Chinese Visible Human

Figure 11

Three-dimensional model of mediastinal organs (posterior aspect). (1) Thoracic aorta, (2) esophagus, (3) thoracic duct, (4) sympathetic trunk, (5) ganglia of sympathetic trunk, (6) heart, (7) inferior vena cava, (8) diaphragm, (9) trachea, (10) left superior lobar bronchus, (11) left inferior lobar bronchus, (12) left lung, (13) right superior lobar bronchus, (14) right middle lobar bronchus and its corresponding ramus of pulmonary artery and vein, (15) right inferior lobar bronchus, (16) right lung, (17) posterior intercostal artery, (18) posterior intercostal vein, (19) azygos vein, (20) hemiazygos vein, and (21) accessory hemiazygos vein.