Research Article

A New Ratio for Protocol Categorization

Figure 1

The figure shows the changes of four traditional ratios when the balance between TP and TN varies form 0–100% to 100–0%; for the same proportion of total true responses . The -axis has log scale since these ratios range from zero to infinity. To report (which is normalized from −1 to +1), we derived . (a) has been computed with a high proportion of true responses ( of the total number ). False responses are set to FN = 1% and to FP = 2% to derive LRs, RR, and OR (not derivable if 0). (b) idem, but the proportion of total true responses is low: FP = 26% and FN = 14%; therefore, TP + TN = 60% of . LR− symetric of LR+ is not represented here.