Research Article

Mathematical Methods for Assessing the Prognostic of Fixed Partial Dentures Resulting from Evaluating a Group of Dental Patients in Romania

Table 1

Results reported in articles on FPR failure with similar including criteria [6].

NumberCauseNumber of abutment teeth in the study/number of affected abutment teeth Mean incidence

1Dental and root caries3360/602 abutment teeth18% of the abutment teeth
1354/113 FPR 8% of the FPR
2Endodontic treatment needed2514/276 abutment teeth11% of the abutment teeth
1358/88 FPR7% of the FPR
3Decementing1906/137 FPR7% of the FPR
4Aesthetic failure1024/58 FPR6%
5Periodontal failure of the abutments1440/62 FPR4%
6Fracture of abutments1602/44 FPR3%
7Fracture of the bridge1192/24 FPR2%
8Fracture of ceramic layer of metal-ceramic FPR768/17 FPR2%