Research Article

Mathematical Model of Three Age-Structured Transmission Dynamics of Chikungunya Virus

Table 1

Description of the variables and parameters of the age-structured chikungunya model (10).

Variable Description

Population of susceptible juvenile, adult, and senior humans
Population of exposed juvenile, adult, and senior humans
Population of asymptomatic and symptomatic juvenile humans
Population of asymptomatic and symptomatic adult humans
Population of asymptomatic and symptomatic senior humans
Population of recovered juvenile, adult, and senior humans
Population of susceptible mosquitoes
Population of exposed mosquitoes
Population of infectious mosquitoes

Parameter Description

Recruitment rate of juvenile humans
Recruitment rate of mosquitoes
Juvenile and adult maturation rates
Transmission probability per contact for susceptible humans
Transmission probability per contact for susceptible mosquitoes
Mosquito biting rate
Natural death rate of juvenile, adult, and senior humans
Natural death rate of mosquitoes
Fraction of exposed humans becoming asymptomatic and symptomatic
Progression rate of exposed juvenile, adult, and senior humans
Recovery rate of asymptomatic and symptomatic juvenile humans
Recovery rate of asymptomatic and symptomatic adult humans
Recovery rate of asymptomatic and symptomatic senior humans
Progression rate of exposed mosquitoes