Research Article

Semantic Signature: Comparative Interpretation of Gene Expression on a Semantic Space

Table 1

Landmarks within semantic signature of hepatotoxic agent experiment. Eight most frequently overlapped gene sets among concepts lattices of hepatotoxic agent experiment are listed.

Title of gene setDescription

YEN MYC MUT′Genes upregulated in mutant MYC mouse model
IGFR IR UP′Upregulated in common following stimulation of chimeric TrkC IR or TrkC IGFR in NIH3T3 cells
3AB GAMMA DN′Downregulated synergistically by gamma irradiation and 3-aminobenzamide PARP inhibitor
LEI HOXC8 UPUpregulated target genes of murine transcription factor Hoxc-8
CHESLER D6MIT150 CIS GLOCUS′Cis regulatory quantitative trait loci QTLs found at the D6Mit150 region QTLs detected in brain tissue
ROS MOUSE AORTA UP′Upregulated in mouse aorta by chronic treatment with PPAR-gamma agonist rosiglitazone
YEN MYC WT′Genes upregulated in wild type MYC mouse model
TNFALPHA ADIP UP′Upregulated in mature differentiated adipocytes following treatment with TNFalpha