Research Article

Comparison of Support-Vector Machine and Sparse Representation Using a Modified Rule-Based Method for Automated Myocardial Ischemia Detection

Table 2

Comparison of the classification results from previous studies for ischemic beat detection.

MethodSensitivity (%)

RMS difference series [12]85
Rule-mining based [11]87
Back propagation network [41]89
Artificial neural networks (ANN) [19]90
Principal components analysis and neural networks [13]90
Genetic algorithm and multicriteria [21]91
Fuzzy expert system [18]91
SVM [23]92
Rule-based [9]92
Knowledge-based [8]94
Kernel density estimation (KDE) [25]94
SVM [25]94
SVM (this work)94.81%
Sparse representation-based classification (SRC) (this work)96.62%