Research Article

The Preventive Control of Zoonotic Visceral Leishmaniasis: Efficacy and Economic Evaluation

Table 3

Human and dog demographic data from Araçatuba municipality and estimated human reported cases.

YearHuman reported cases per year (CES-SP) [36]Araçatuba’s human population size (BIGS) [22]Average of normalized human reported cases per dayEstimated dog population according to Andrade et al. [29]Estimated number of houses (BIGS) [22]

1999151693032.43 × 10−73047556434
2000121702961.93 × 10−73065356765
2001291712894.64 × 10−73083257096
2002521727688.25 × 10−73109857589
2003401743996.28 × 10−73139258133
2004411778236.32 × 10−73200859274
2005161797172.44 × 10−73234959906
2006201815983.02 × 10−73268860533
2007421813716.34 × 10−73264760457
2008271811434.08 × 10−73260660381
2009151822042.26 × 10−73279760735
201041823656.01 × 10−83282660788
201151825267.51 × 10−83285560842
201261834418.96 × 10−83301961147
201331905364.31 × 10−83429663512
2014121916621.72 × 10−73449963887
201541927575.69 × 10−83469664252