Research Article

Correlation-Based Ensemble Feature Selection Using Bioinspired Algorithms and Classification Using Backpropagation Neural Network

Table 1

Outline of hepatitis datasets.

S. no.FeatureDescriptionDatatype

1.AgeAge of the patientNumerical
2SexGender of the patientCategorical
3SteroidWhether the patient has taken anabolic steroids or notBoolean
4AntiviralsWhether the patient has taken antivirals or notBoolean
5FatigueWhether the patient has experienced extreme tiredness or notBoolean
6MalaiseWhether the patient is having a vague feeling of body discomfortBoolean
7AnorexiaWhether the patient has lack or loss of appetite for foodBoolean
8Liver bigWhether the patient’s liver is enlarged or notBoolean
9Liver firmWhether the patient’s liver is firm or notBoolean
10Spleen palpableWhether the patient’s spleen is enlarged or notBoolean
11SpidersWhether the blood vessels are near the skin surface due to the increased estrogen level.Boolean
12AscitesWhether the fluid is accumulated in the peritoneal cavity or notBoolean
13VaricesWhether the patient is having bleeding from varices or notBoolean
14BilirubinThe amount of bilirubin in the blood sampleNumerical
15Alk phosphateLevel of alkane phosphate in the blood sampleNumerical
16SgotThe amount of serum lutamic oxalo acetic transaminase in the bloodNumerical
17AlbuminThe amount of serum albumin protein in the clear liquid portion of the blood sampleNumerical
18ProtimeTime taken for blood plasma to clotNumerical
19HistologyClass attribute indicates whether the patient survives or notBoolean