Research Article

[Retracted] Circular RNA CircITGA7 Promotes Tumorigenesis of Osteosarcoma via miR-370/PIM1 Axis

Figure 4

miR-370 reversed the effect of circITGA7 and the effect of PIM1 on OS cells. (a) Overexpression of miR-370 in U2OS cells decreased OD 450 value. (b) OD 450 value was higher in SW1353 cells with anti-miR-370. (c) Relative migration cells of U2OS overexpressed miR-370. (d) The relative migration of SW1353 cells with low miR-370 expression. (e, f) OD 450 value under the low expression of miR-370 after the OS cells knocked down the circITGA7. (g, h) Migrated cells under the downregulation of miR-370 in OS cells after circITGA7 knockdown. (i) OD 450 value of OS cells with si-PIM1 and anti-miR-370. (j) Relative migrated cells of OS cells with si-PIM1 and anti-miR-370. , , and .