Research Article

[Retracted] MKA: A Scalable Medical Knowledge-Assisted Mechanism for Generative Models on Medical Conversation Tasks

Table 7

An example of generated responses on the MedDG test set.

Patient self-report科室 department: 肛肠科 anorectal branch
疾病/症状 disease/symptom: 便秘,便血 constipation, blood in the stool

Patient question 1医生你好, 最近我大便总是很干燥, 而且有好几次大便之后, 发现有血, 我这个是什么情况?
Hello, doctor. Recently, I have found my stools were very dry. Besides, there is blood inside of them if I poop for several times. What is wrong with me?

Doctor response 1Ground truth你好, 可能存在痔疮出血!但还是建议您做个肠镜!
Hello, there may be bleeding from hemorrhoids! But it is still recommended that you have a colonoscopy!
Dialog-GPT你好, 这种情况容易出现内痔
Hello, this situation is prone to internal hemorrhoids.
Transformer你好, 考虑是痔疮。
Hello, it is considered as hemorrhoids.
BERT-GPT你好, 可能存在痔疮, 大便干结多久了?
Hello, there may be hemorrhoids, and how long have the stools been dry and clumpy?
MKA-Transformer你好, 可能是痔疮, 建议您做个肠镜。
Hello, it may be hemorrhoids. It is recommended that you have a colonoscopy.
MKA-BERT-GPT你好, 可能是痔疮出血。此外, 建议您做个肠镜。
Hello, it may be bleeding from hemorrhoids. In addition, it is recommended that you have a colonoscopy.

Patient question 2为什么我的大便是一粒一粒的, 很干燥, 像羊屎那样的?
Why do my stools come in pieces, very dry, like sheep feces?

Doctor response 2Ground truth大便干结是功能性问题, 建议您多吃水果蔬菜, 养成排便习惯!
The dry stool is a functional problem. It is recommended that you eat more fruits and vegetables to develop a bowel habit!
Dialog-GPT你好, 可能存在痔疮。
Hello, there may be hemorrhoids.
Transformer注意饮食, 多吃蔬菜水果。
Pay attention to your diet and eat more fruits and vegetables.
It is recommended that you eat more fruits and vegetables.
MKA-Transformer考虑是肠胃功能性紊乱, 建议您多吃水果蔬菜。
It is considered as a gastrointestinal dysfunction. It is recommended that you eat more fruits and vegetables, like apples.
MKA-BERT-GPT考虑是肠胃功能问题, 建议您多吃水果蔬菜, 比如梨, 香蕉。若还是这样的话建议您做个肠镜。
It is considered as the gastrointestinal functional problem. It is recommended that you eat more fruits and vegetables, such as pears and bananas. If this is still the case, it is recommended that you have a colonoscopy.