Research Article

Development and Validation of Prediction Model for High Ovarian Response in In Vitro Fertilization-Embryo Transfer: A Longitudinal Study

Table 1

Baseline characteristics of study population.

Variables, (%)Total ()GroupStatistic
Training set ()Testing set ()

Age, years, 0.389
BMI, kg/m2, 0.317
Smoking history, (%)0.351
 Active smoking6 (1.25)5 (1.49)1 (0.69)
 Passive smoking75 (15.63)48 (14.29)27 (18.75)
 No399 (83.13)283 (84.23)116 (80.56)
Type of infertility, (%)0.089
 Primary174 (36.25)130 (38.69)44 (30.56)
 Secondary306 (63.75)206 (61.31)100 (69.44)
Pregnancy history, (%)0.094
 No177 (36.88)132 (39.29)45 (31.25)
 Yes303 (63.13)204 (60.71)99 (68.75)
Age at menarche, years, 0.551
Mean menstrual cycle, days, 0.385
Duration of infertility, years, 3.00 (1.00, 4.00)3.00 (2.00, 4.00)3.00 (1.00, 4.50)0.586
AFC, 15.00 (12.00, 20.00)15.00 (12.00, 19.00)15.00 (12.00, 20.00)0.770
LH, mu/mL, 4.79 (3.61, 6.24)4.79 (3.54, 6.02)4.75 (3.72, 6.34)0.212
 E2, pmol/L, 36.18 (25.95, 46.42)36.16 (26.26, 46.38)36.60 (25.57, 46.49)0.602
 P, nmol/L, 0.39 (0.26, 0.59)0.40 (0.26, 0.59)0.35 (0.25, 0.56)0.221
 FSH, U/L, 0.186
 AMH, ng/ml, 3.71 (2.46, 5.27)3.68 (2.46, 5.25)3.75 (2.46, 5.33)0.914
Endometrial thickness, mm, 0.526
 Normal response241 (50.21)169 (50.30)72 (50.00)
 High response239 (49.79)167 (49.70)72 (50.00)

BMI: body mass index; AFC: antral follicle count; LH: luteinizing hormone; MC3: menstrual cycle day 3; E2: estradiol; P: progesterone; FSH: follicle-stimulating hormone; AMH: anti-Müllerian hormone; : ; : median and quartile; : measured the degree of correlation between two categorical variables; : compared the difference between the two groups; : represented the rank sum test for the comparison of two samples.