Research Article

[Retracted] Analysis of Clinical Effect after Treatment of Patients with Femoral Neck Fracture Using Total or Hemihip Arthroplasty

Figure 4

Comparison of preoperative and postoperative WOMAC scale scores between the two groups. The difference between the preoperative WOMAC scale scores for each dimension was not statistically significant (), the HA group had lower pain, stiffness, and mobility scores than the THA group at 6 months postoperatively (), the difference between the WOMAC scores for each dimension between the two groups at 1 and 2 years postoperatively was not statistically significant (), and the THA group had better WOMAC scores for each dimension than the HA group at 3 years postoperatively (). The difference between the WOMAC scores of the two groups at 1 and 2 years postoperatively was not statistically significant (), and the THA group had better WOMAC scores than the HA group in all dimensions at 3 years postoperatively (). # represents a statistically significant difference between groups comparing the same index.