Research Article

[Retracted] Efficacy of Respiratory Training in Relieving Postoperative Pain in Patients with Spinal Nerve Root Entrapment Syndrome

Table 1

General information ( (%), ).

GroupControl group (n =29)Observation group (n =29)

Gender (male/female)21/820/90.0830.773
Age (years)0.4530.653
Preoperative course of disease (year)0.1740.863
Type of operation (example)
 Minimally invasive passage technique for intervertebral disc herniation16 (55.2)17 (58.6)0.5160.915
 Resection of intraspinal neurilemmoma3 (10.3)3 (10.3)
 Resection of intraspinal neurofibroma2 (6.9)3 (10.3)
 Minimally invasive passage technique for spinal canal stenosis8 (27.6)6 (20.7)